Had a meeting this morning with the incredible
Rocket Jones, about our new website. I am completely overwhelmed, but in a good way. This thing is going to be the bomb and bring us into the year 2013 for sure. But at this point, the work is on me to get the content and pictures in there. YIKES!
It is also on me to manage our landscaping and maintenance clients, my children (both small girls and employee, ) do the daily office dance with accounting and such, and manage our family household. Pretty sure they would like clean clothes and something other than Cheerios for dinner. FYI, I like mine with unsweetened almond coconut milk and a large spoon. Thank goodness the house addition is at a point where I am not the one setting concrete forms, and it is in someone else's hands for right now. We are scheduled to get a rain/snow storm this weekend. I'll believe it when I see it, but I am pretty much the only person in Northern Colorado that doesn't want it to precipitate in some form this weekend. I know it is selfish and we need it so bad, and fires in the area have already started, but with an over excavated hole cut too close to our foundation (not getting into this now) we kind of need to pour those walls this week!
It is times like this I really wish I could check out for a bit. Actually hand Dave the bottle of milk and box of Cheerios, tell him dinner is on him, and head to ballet tonight. Ballet and any exercise in general tends to clear my head and give me the clarity I need to focus and get my stuff done. I stumbled upon a blogger the other day,
Melissa who is doing an amazing job balancing life and ballet. Girl just ran a marathon too! It gave me some perspective and made me sit up and realize that this year isn't going to get any slower, so I need to find that healthy balance of work, being a mommy, house building, ballet and any exercise (even a video) I can get. So this evening I am going regroup and take the time and actually write out a day to day schedule instead of just flying by the seat of my pants. Who knows, maybe I'll stick to it for longer than a week.
In the meantime, because it is Spring Break at the studio and I can't head to class even if I wanted to, let's enjoy some "old school" Giselle pictures shall we. A trip down memory lane for sure. Thanks to the amazing Greg Hughes for letting me steal some of these as usual.
Peasants with empty baskets |
Mazurka anyone? |
Gus and I about to get our peasant pas on |
Willis |
Hauntingly scary bitches we were |
My dear friend, the gorgeous Kary |
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