Thursday, July 12, 2012

Late as usual and a hooker to boot

Today is the 12th of July.  So it only seems fitting to show you some photos from the 4th of July and the week before.

The sister came for a visit and brought the kids.  All three of them if you include "everyone's fun uncle" too.  They played for hours, dropped, munched and played for hours more.

Weddings were attended.  And while I don't have any good pictures of the wedding reception because it was too dark for my phone, my phone managed to capture a hooker at the gas station on the way home late that evening just fine.  Complete with a gold lame top, cha cha shoes, and a fat pimp in a Honda Civic.  Too much fun for us to handle considering we weren't even in Denver but 15 miles from home:)

Some serious shopping was done as well.  Not for hookers, but everything else under the sun.  Good friends came for a visit too, and may have helped contribute to the shopping.

Birthdays were celebrated, and cake was devoured by those wet, dry, and missing teeth.

The 4th came and brought a seafood boil, and lots of food, good friends, and alcoholic drinks in a bag.  See that sign?  When we dug it out of the well house, we realized the little chalkboard signs still had all of the food labelled that we served for our wedding.  Lemon risotto, pork filletino, tiramisu.  YUM!  It was kind of sad to erase, but Calla had no issues, and wasn't sentimental in the least bit once she had the chalk and a wet rag in her hand.

The large Jenga set was made finally.  See the stack in the background?  Nobody's toes were broken.

Slip and slides were conquered, and 2 babies were snuggled with.  My ovaries may have ached for a short minute and then I gave the babies back, once they started screaming because they realize I didn't have any magic boobies.

See.... I looked festive.  Hot, sweaty, drunk, and festive.  Thanks to Liz for the pictures I stole off her Facebook page without permission. :)  

To end the week we had another BBQ.  My mom wanted to make sure she captured all of us before everyone went their separate ways.  Let me introduce the whole fam damily.

My parents, and all of the kids who were instructed to remove all fingers from noses just a second before.  My cute sister, and her husband, aka "everyone's favorite uncle."  Those of us who are in dire need of a root job and no plans to take care of it anytime soon.  And the husband who with his tattoos and sunglasses looks like he is ready to rob the gas station just outside of town where we found the hooker.  Merry Christmas love the Smith Martin Doyles.

Just for fun, we made the uncle who is way way more qualified then me because he actually does it for a living, take a picture of us.  He calls this the cover shot.  Better then a mug shot.  The sunglasses came off, and my hair went up, which may or may not have made the roots look worse.  It is pretty sad I have no current "family" photos of the 4 of us.  I have a great one at a wedding in Idaho before India was born on my desk, but that's about it.  The school kept asking for India to bring in a current family photo for their wall, and sadly we didn't have one.  I'll take the blame for that since I hate being in pictures.  But looky here folks, no less then 3 pictures of me in this post.  A miracle I tell ya.

That's about it for now.  Gotta go put on my landscape architect hat today.


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