Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Pop Quiz
No sir ree..... I was afraid this would happen:
And it did. We took precautions. It is sitting on Calla's desk up off the ground. It is the smaller of the 2 trees we own, and my parents lent us this cool iron screen thing to hang stockings from and help to block it off. Yeah, none of that worked.
So I ask you kind friends and family. Who do you suppose knocked down Señor Tree 5 min. before I had to be at Nutcracker rehearsal last night and 10 min. after Dave walked in from a long work day in Estes Park?
The small child named after a large country?
or The Dipshit Dingo Dog?
Both are fine examples of why I didn't want to put up the freakin' tree in the first place. In case you were wondering, everyone is ok and about 15 ornaments bit the dust. Mostly ceramic and German glass ornaments. Surprisingly the Waterford Crystal one from Ireland held up fine. Bloody heavy sucker. And thank God Elmo just lost a leg, because WWIII would have erupted had the red demon been damaged beyond amputation.
Needless to say it gave Dave a chance to decorate the tree this time around with the girls last night while I was gone.
I am also including the obligatory Thanksgiving Turkey Trot photo. Not because it goes with this post, but because it doesn't really make sense to show you pictures of Thanksgiving after showing you pictures of our Christmas tree. Even though Target has justified having Christmas up and running since Halloween. Make sense to you? No, me either? Here is the damn photo anyway.
Can you tell Ingrid is the model and not me. She struck a pose. Everyone else is relaxed, and I look like I need to poop. Ok, maybe I did.
P.S. It isn't too late to get Nutcracker tickets. If you are planning on going, email me, or text message me, and let me know what show you will be at. I will try and come and see you at intermission without the Granny wig.
Friday, November 18, 2011
WTF Friday
Sunday, November 13, 2011
PETA on my ass
Ok, so you know that movie Happy Feet? The one with with all the cute animated penguins that sing and dance?
If you don’t it’s ok. Really. If I didn’t have kids, I probably wouldn’t either. I would be better able to name the last 3 movies Brad Pitt was in, instead of informing you that the new Muppet movie comes out at Thanksgiving. In the original Happy Feet there was a character named Lovelace. He was voiced by Robin Williams.
As you can see Lovelace has one of those 6 pack Coke plastic ring thingies stuck around his neck. The ones they tell you to cut before you throw it out, because it ends up tangled around wildlife via our rivers and oceans.
Meet Rhoda. She is auditioning to be Lovelace’s girlfriend in the new Happy Feet 2 movie. While she isn’t rocking a plastic Coke holder around her neck, she is sporting the top half of a Styrofoam lid from a takeout container.
Yesterday we ate lunch at Red Robin. (fitting huh?) At the end, we boxed up the hamburger bun from my California chicken sandwich (sorry Rho,) and all of the leftover French and sweet potato fries for the chickens. I guess you could call it a chicken bag instead of a doggy bag, because twit and twat need french fries like they need a hole in their head.
Today we put out the container with all of the fries for the chickens to munch on. I left and went to Target ( it is Sunday and the Bronco game was on of course.) I came home to this. Freakin chicken loved the fries so much she pecked a hole through the container and was now wearing it around her neck. Dave finally cornered her and got it off. Guess it is back to the metal bucket for them. Perhaps I need to craft a new outfit for Rhoda. Calla has some popsicle sticks she is saving for a rainy day. New category for Etsy perhaps?
Hasta Pasta
All pics except Rhoda courtesy of Google images.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Obligatory Kid Halloween pic
And I am a bit behind again.
So the kids and twit and twat have been doing this:
I would show you my mud room, but I'll spare you. Whoever named it a mud room was brilliant. I am also thinking of leaving the huge broken branch on the tree to the left up and dangling. I think it might scare off the solicitors who come creeping in and change their mind about parking under it to try and sell me wrapping paper or Bibles for the Holiday.
It does however lead to snow on the Rockies out the front door. (sorry for the crappy phone pic) Could the neighbor have built the riding arena any bigger? Um....evidentially No.
At the Denver Zoo.
Didn't realize it was free day at the F'n Zoo until we got down there and I had to park the car on the other side of City Park and 1/2 way back to the Highway. Thank Buddha for the BOB. Oh well, it wasn't too awful crowded when we got in (judged of course by the time spent waiting for a potty.) The day was gorgeous and on the bright side I got my
Meanwhile, in case you were wondering because it has been awhile, the Dipshit Dingo Dog ate this:
Because he decided we needed to spend some more money on the damn computer. The worse part is he did it right next to me without me even knowing.
We also did a lot of this until the leaves got soaking wet:
Which leads us finally to the Obligatory Halloween pic of the kids:
Sorry for the dark picture. My phone inside a house at 9 pm was not that great. No India isn't contemplating anything deep or even pooping for that matter. She was a flower, recycled from 5 yrs. ago, and Calla was a LaLaLoopsy doll. Not sure what a LaLaLoopsy doll is?

This is a LaLaLoopsy. She is a plastic doll with a huge head, skinny legs, and buttons for eyes. Her name is Crumbs Sugar Cookie.
I am not sure why the font is all jacked out now. So this is my cue to vamanos, and adios till mañana.