This little booger
But a sick infant will rock your world. She may look innocent, but she can puke like nobody's business. I am thinking she has the same funk the others had . The worst part of it is I can't give her Coke products to make her feel better. Coke products always make me feel better. I am pretty much convinced Coke and Claritin allergy medicine will solve most problems and ailments. Look at me I am a Coke junkie and I hardly ever get sick. Or so I thought.......
I figured we were in the clear with Indie and I till she decided to puke on possibly the sweetest girl I dance with at a baby shower yesterday. No biggie right, just a little spit up. No people, this was not good. It suddenly occurred to me what I was in for that evening. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been feeling the same craptastic way. I managed not to puke, however all the poor baby did was throwup last night and into today. Needless to say I spent the evening hugging a bowl, my breast pump, and Indie. For the love, has it been 24 hrs yet, because I am starting to get really sick of cleaning up after the puke. Thank goodness Dave is still functioning as normal as possible given he plowed snow last night. So no birthday pictures from Calla's party as promised. When you try and take pictures of children around presents and cake and ice cream it is pretty much a hopeless cause for any good pictures. In the mean time, this is how Indie feels:
Me, I look 10 x's worse.
wholly crap, cara! i just read today's blog and can relate. christian's been in the same state since 3am....:P let's just get this over with already! here's to kicking the funk's ass! hope you and the little one feel much better!
ReplyDeletei am so so so sorry!!! I hope he didn't get it up at the house. India doing better if she burps after feeding. it is a process though. Tell Chrstian to feel better so we can go eat some popcorn!! XOXO
ReplyDeleteOh my god! She ended up getting it?! How did she survive that? She's so little :(