Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dazed and Confused

So today feels like Friday even though it isn't Friday, and I still have work to do on Friday.  Whatever.  I decided to hack off 5 " of my hair on Sunday when she was busy covering up the gray.  No I am not angry.  Happy actually, because she got it to curl which I hadn't been able to do in forever.  Car photos are never pretty.
It was fried and long and not a pretty long.  Think Janice the Muppet stringy and orange.  This morning I went to wash my hair for the first time since then, (no I don't wash it daily-too dry here,) and realized before it was too late I used waaayyy too much shampoo.  Well, that was fun.

Dave has been working like a mad man to get the house finished up for framing inspections.
He did stop on Saturday to attend a friend's annual pig roast.  Viva la pig.
The girls had never been on a 4 wheeler before.  They also tried out the zipline before the day ended.

Work has been super busy since we are trying to finish up a couple of projects.  But it is coming together.  Calla is off from dance camp this week so since they were feeling deprived, they chose to give themselves a barre with a video while I worked up in the barn yesterday.  Makes me uber happy.
Speaking of ballet, they just hired a new Artistic Director for the Company.  Me thinks Ethel might make have to dig out the pink tights again.  We will see.  I gotta get this house finished and then we can talk about Ethel, tutus, and my eating habits which don't begin to even take a tutu and pointe shoes into consideration.

Last night was actually not hotter then Hades so the girls and I spent some time in the front yard just being kids.
Hula hoops, jump ropes and cartwheels.  Ok, so they did the cartwheels and jumped rope.  Mommy has had 2 c-sections folks.
We even taught the dipshit dingo dog to jump through the hoop.  And for my next trick we will teach him how to mow grass, build pergolas and outdoor fireplaces.
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July.  We will be adding shingles to the roof and watching the fireworks from our house if there are any this year.  
